Continue developing professional networking, learning and celebration spaces that build and sustain momentum for a healthy, equitable parks and nature movement in the region.
1. Intertwine Summit
A pillar of The Intertwine Alliance since its launch in 2008, Intertwine Summit brings together the coalition for professional networking, celebration, learning and calls to action.
We see Summit as a year-round program. It’s designed and owned by a large and diverse group of Intertwine Alliance partners. Going forward, Summit will be held on an 18-month cycle, with engagement and learning opportunities stitching together the annual main event. The next Summit will be held in September or October 2024.
In August 2023, an “Intertwine Summit: What Comes Next?” workshop facilitated by our long-time diversity-equity-inclusion-justice mentors brought 20 to 25 Summit leaders together to plan for the future. We will activate a series of recommendations for future in-person events that create safer, healthier spaces for Black, Indigenous and people of color and other historically marginalized community members.
Goals include:
- Develop and promote a clear vision for anti-racist and anti-oppression coalition events that includes a specific set of best practices. Implement those best practices. Support coalition partners in doing the same at their events.
- Design and host several “continuing connections” events leading up to the next Summit in Fall 2024.
2. Equity & Inclusion Cohorts
Now in their sixth year, the Intertwine Alliance Equity & Inclusion Cohorts have served about 75 organizations throughout the Portland region. Intertwine Alliance staff works with a team of equity consultants to deliver this 8-month peer-learning program. Cross-institutional learning accelerates equity work throughout the parks & nature and environmental sectors of the region.
The 2024 cohorts will launch in February and will be: Change Agent, Intergovernmental (back for a second year), and BIPOC Leadership Peer Group (also back for its second year).
Because the majority of our partners have matriculated through the program by this point, after the 2024 cohorts we will take a one-year pause to restructure the cohorts and update the curriculum to meet evolving coalition needs.
Goals include:
- Run a successful and impactful sixth year of cohorts.
- Publish and promote a report at the end of the 2024 cohorts summarizing participation and quantitative/qualitative impacts.
- Restructure program and curriculum for future cohort offerings.
3. Connecting Canopies
With the Connecting Canopies (CC) program now in The Intertwine Alliance portfolio, Co-Director Theresa Huang will continue to support it with program planning, coordination and expansion. CC was recently awarded federal Inflation Reduction Action funding in partnership with Friends of Trees, enabling expansion of its climate resiliency and workforce development work.
Goals include:
Support Connecting Canopies’ effort to build a community tree care team, leveraging relationships with local jurisdictions to build partnerships and develop contracts between the CC tree team and local urban forestry programs.
Lead facilitation of CC’s monthly engagement, policy and workforce development task force meetings and symposium/community gathering events.
Lead community-facing engagement activities to raise awareness about trees and natural spaces.
Develop a regional equitable tree canopy management matrix for use by jurisdictions throughout the region.
4. Houselessness & the Environment Peer Support Groups
In partnership with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, continue filling a demonstrated regional gap with monthly peer support sessions that provide trauma-informed education and support for land and water stewards struggling with the houselessness crisis. Provide resources and tools, and develop collective capacity for resilient response to the human crisis.
Goals include:
Continue to co-host and promote monthly sessions through the end of 2023.
With partners, create a plan and seek funding for 2024 sessions.
5. Water Access Convenings
Over the past year, we’ve held five convenings of water stewards and advocates to discuss and plan for all aspects of equitable regional water access. Desired projects, needs and gaps, and potential partnerships have all been identified. This year The Intertwine Alliance will support the emerging network in alignment with Dr. Erin Abernethy of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, who will support the development of specific on-the-ground projects.
Goals include:
Compile, manage and promote a directory of the regional water and land stewards engaged during the past year.
Convene the network on a regular (probably twice a year) cycle to connect, share intel, and continue effective collaboration.