Intertwine Alliance partners and friends, please join us as we move our collective work forward together.
Houselessness in natural areas:
Peer support sessions for land & water stewards
In partnership with Shilo George of Lush Kumtux Tumtum Consulting, we offer quarterly online peer support sessions tailored to land and water stewards seeking resources and support engaging with unhoused community members living in parks and natural areas. Facilitated by Trauma Informed Care educators, these peer support sessions will be a space for discussion and collective problem solving around key challenges faced by those who steward our parks and natural areas. Topics include trauma-informed rules enforcement, best practices for preparing unhoused populations for extreme weather and natural disasters, policy and advocacy related to housing and supportive services, de-escalation techniques, and much more. Participants are welcome to join the group any time.
Free. Please email to be added to the calendar invite.
Next meeting:
Fri, Jan. 24, 11 a.m. to 12:30 pm.
Regional Parks Leaders Meetings 2024
Thur, March 7, 9 to 11 a.m.
Wed, June 12, 9 to 11 a.m.
Thur, Sept. 5, 9 to 11 a.m.
Thur, Dec. 5, 9 to 11 a.m.
Online and In-person
Parks leaders throughout the Portland metro region convene to to share information, learn from each other, develop regional identity, spark collaborative thinking and actions, catalyze change, and generate funding.
For more information, please email Co-Director Tara Wilkinson at
Past Convenings
Aug 15, 2023
Water access session taking a deeper dive into themes identified by participants during a mind mapping exercise at Intertwine Summit 2023
Theme: Advocacy for equitable regional water access
July 26, 2023
Water access session taking a deeper dive into themes identified by participants during a mind mapping exercise at Intertwine Summit 2023
Theme: Projects advancing accessibility to our region's waterways
Aug 25, 2022
The new Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District: what is it, and why is it important for conservation and equity?
July 26, 2022
Equitable access to regional waterways, part 2
July 21, 2022
Launch of houselessness in natural Areas: support sessions for land & water stewards
March 29, 2022
Water trails
Feb. 22, 2022
What's The Intertwine Alliance up to in 2022?
Oct. 26, 2021
Potential Metro parks & nature levy on 2022 ballot
Sept. 17, 2021
Structured networking
July 15, 2021
Metro parks & nature bond investments
Topic ideas or any other thoughts/questions? Please email Director Tara Wilkinson at