Launching an Intertwine Alliance Houselessness Working Group
3:50 to 4:50 p.m.
Let's develop a plan for ongoing work together as a coalition. How can we support each other and develop joint tools/resources as we respond to houselessness in our daily work? What are the policy and investment levers we can pull together as a coalition? How often will we meet, in what format, and what will the goals be?
The workshop will be co-facilitated by Barbie Weber of Ground Score, Steph Noll of the Oregon Trails Coalition, and Katie Gavares of The Intertwine Alliance.
Katie Gavares, The Intertwine Alliance
Steph Noll, Oregon Trails Coalition

Steph Noll (she/her) has more than 15 years of experience in community facilitation, strategic planning, coalition building, policy advocacy, and nonprofit management. After 10 years of work at The Street Trust (formerly Bicycle Transportation Alliance), she opened her own consulting practice and worked with partners around Oregon to launch the Oregon Trails Coalition. She loves working at the intersection of community health, outdoor recreation, and transportation. When not working, she loves exploring Oregon with her family, drinking coffee by the ocean or on the river, and playing old country and string band music with friends.
Barbie Weber, Ground Score

Barbra (Barbie) Weber (she/her/they/them) is a committed advocate on issues regarding hygiene access for all, environmental justice and housing rights. She's co-founder and coordinator for Ground Score Association (a peer-lead initiative of Trash for Peace). Barbie is also a Gather Make Shelter academy member, Oregon Poor People's Campaign Coordinating Committee member, Central Eastside Together board member and Hazelnut Grove villager. In February 2021, Barbie piloted the GLITTER program (Ground Score Association Leading Inclusively Together Through Environmental Recovery), a sustainable tent-side trash service for people living outside. She has been highly involved in many organizations and advocacy groups including Street Roots, Sisters of the Road, Right 2 Survive, Western Regional Advocacy Project, etc.
Barbra is an effective communicator with a gentle demeanor. Her motto in life is to do as little harm as possible to all life around her, to make every effort to assist in the betterment no matter what race, religion, gender identity, social status, mental health, criminal history, age, etc. And to fight with all her might to tear down stereotypes and to end hate that divides communities to their core.