Sign-up today for Johnson Creek Watershed Council’s most unified restoration event of the year! The Watershed Wide Event is happening Saturday, March 1st from 8:45am -12noon. We will spread out at 8 simultaneous work parties throughout the watershed. Stick around at the end for a free lunch!
Johnson Creek is a unique waterway, providing home and habitat to lots of special wildlife and a lot of human communities. This event is a great time to come together and care for the creek and watershed as we weed, plant and mulch helping to restore a healthier watershed. For nearly 50 years, local residents have dedicated their time and energy to restore, repair, and clean Johnson Creek. We are proud to have been part of this legacy for the past 29 years. Be a part of the legacy!
RSVP IS REQUIRED. Site choices are below. Click on the name of the site you would like to volunteer at and fill out the waiver to register.
Want to register a group? Reach out to Marlee@jcwc.org to get matched with the right site!
Not interested in planting native plants but still want to help? There are jobs for multiple abilities and talents! We need helpers to pick up and deliver lunch to all of the sites, photographers, and helpers to get food to the sites in the morning. If you are interested in any of these Special Jobs, please sign up HERE!
When: Saturday, March 1st from 8:45am -12:00 noon, free lunch provided at the end
Where: Choose your desired site (below). After you sign the waiver, directions will be sent to your email inbox.
How to prepare: This event will happen rain or shine, so dress for weather: rain coat, warm layers, sun hat, and sunscreen as necessary. Wear sturdy, close-toed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Bring a filled water bottle and a snack.
What we will provide: Gloves, all necessary tools and instructions, plus snacks, coffee and a free lunch at the end of the event. We can also provide bus fare to and from the event. Please contact info@jcwc.org to arrange bus fare.
Healthy and Safety: We will follow current Oregon Health Authority guidelines. Masks are not required, but encouraged in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible. Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of any contagious illness or have had recent contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of any illness.
Children are welcome with an attentive adult: Youth 16 and younger MUST be accompanied by an adult, youth 16-18 may come unaccompanied but need a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
Accessibility: All sites will require standing for long periods of time, walking over uneven ground, going up and down steep slope bending, and lifting heavy objects. Check out our special jobs for more options. Restrooms will be available at each site but are not ADA compliant.
To view a map of the sites click HERE
Sites (to register for a site click on the site name and fill out the waiver)
Special Jobs:
Not interested in joining a work party OR interested in joining a work party and helping a little extra? Check out our special jobs. We need help with supply delivery, taking photographs, and delivering lunch.
Johnson Creek Park
Project: Planting and mulching bare root plants along Crystal Springs to help stabilize the banks, removing undesirable species, and picking up litter.
Meeting Location & Parking: East side of Johnson Creek Park, SE Clatsop St. and SE 23rd Ave. Closest address is 2312 SE Clatsop St, Portland, OR 97202.
Tideman Johnson Natural Area
Project: Planting bare root native plants and mulching, litter pickup, removing weedy and undesirable plants.
Meeting Location & Parking: SE 37th Ave & Tenino Street. Park near the intersection of 37th and Tenino Streets (please be respectful of our neighbors and do not block driveways or mailboxes). Take the trailhead at the end of 37th Street and go down a steep hill to the junction with the Johnson Creek boardwalk. Look for PP&R signs to direct you to the boardwalk.
Brookside Apartments
Project: Planting and some ivy removal.
Meeting Location & Parking: Meet at 4611 SE Brookside Dr. Milwaukie, OR 97222. Turn off of SE Johnson Creek Boulevard and park along the street on Brookside Dr. or find an open Visitor parking spot (indicated with a V) in the parking lot for Brookside Apartments.
Creek Care Property
Project: This is a new property that JCWC is working on this year! As part of our Creek Care program we work with private landowners that live along the creek to create connectivity between public natural areas. This project includes planting, mulching, decommissioning old walking trails, and some trash pick-up.
Meeting Location & Parking: The nearest address is 6729 SE May St, Milwaukie, OR 97222. Park along SE May St, please be respectful of neighbors and do not block driveways. Walk North along SE Bell Ave towards the Springwater Trail. Meet where the Springwater Trail intersects with Bell Ave. There will be signs directing you.
Luther Road
Project: Live willow stake making and planting, native plant planting, mulch spreading, and trash clean-up.
Meeting Location & Parking: Meeting location and Parking: Meet at the intersection of the Springwater Trail and Luther Road. Street Parking available along SE Luther road between 75th and 82nd ave, sling SE Harney Street between SE Springwater Dr and 82nd and in the neighborhood NE of the Springwater Trail (77th Ave and SE Springwater Dr.).
Foster Floodplain Natural Area
Project: Planting bare root native plants in a wetland. The planting area will have standing water so volunteers are encouraged to wear waterproof boots. The event will also include litter pickup.
Meeting Location & Parking: The address for the park is 10602 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97266. There is a small parking lot on Foster Rd. If there is no parking available in the parking lot or along Foster Road when you arrive, please continue on Foster Road, turn right at the next intersection (SE 110 th Drive), crossover Johnson Creek and take the first right onto SE Cooper Street. Drive to the end of Cooper Street. Parking is along Cooper Street. Watch for No Parking signs, and be aware not to block neighbor’s driveways. Walk the ½ mile-long paved trail through the park to the meeting location.
Gresham Walters Site 1
Project: Planting gallon container plants, mulching, potential trash clean-up.
Meeting Location & Parking: There are several parking options for this site. The nearest address is 291 SW 4th St, Gresham, OR 97080. Parking is available along SW 4th St., be mindful of the neighbors and do not block any driveways, then walk North on Walters until you reach the intersection of Walters and the Springwater Trail. Parking is also available at Gresham Main City Park, follow the signs down the springwater trail for about 500 feet West to where Walters dr intersects with the Springwater Trail. The meeting location will be the intersection of Walters Dr. and the Springwater Trail.